
Jan Luyken

Jan Luyken Portrait.jpg Jan Luyken (1649-1712)was a noted 17th century Dutch Mennonite artist, poet, and engraver, who furnished the copper etchings for Martyrs Mirror. These illustrations depict the martyrdoms of faithful Christians throughout history, including the 12 apostles, the early Christians, the Waldensians, and the Anabaptists. Sadly, less than half of Jan Luyken’s engravings are used in current editions of Martyrs Mirror.

The University Art Gallery says this about Luyken: “Jan Luyken was born in Amsterdam on April 16, 1649, into a family that had become Mennonites shortly before his birth. His father was a schoolteacher and writer. Jan Luyken was nineteen years old when his father died. After his father’s death, he began to study painting at the studio of Martins Saeghmolen. Although Luyken became a fine painter, he eventually concentrated solely on being an engraver. It is estimated that more than 3,500 prints are by his hand.” (

Although Luyken was somewhat wild in his early years, he eventually became a very devout Christian and used his artistic abilities to glorify God.