
Newsletter - September, 2019

The Poor Helping the Poor
September, 2019

Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me." Matt. 25:40

Published by the Society of the Good Shepherd, P. O. Box 122, Amberson, PA 17210. (717) 349-7033

Over the past eight or nine years, among our stellar entrepreneurs have been Antonio Alberto and his wife Dilian. They own a souvenir business located outside Siguatepeque along a major highway. Antonio and Dilian mainly sell ceramic items that they make.

Honduras microloan They started with a tiny stand with no more than a dozen or so items for sale. With several interest-free loans from the Society of the Good Shepherd, which they faithfully repaid, they grew their business to the point where their colorful wares covered about half a block. They were eventually able to construct a shop building where they could display additional smaller items. Everything was going perfect.

Then disaster struck. In May of this year, a strong storm accompanied by a small tornado hit the area where Antonio has his business. It wrecked Antonio’s shop and destroyed most of his inventory. For Antonio and Dilian, this meant they would literally have to start over and build from the ground up! Luis Vega, our director in Honduras, immediately contacted us to see what the Society could do to help. We authorized both a monetary gift and a loan to help Antonio and Dilian get their business up and running as quickly as possible. Various brothers and sisters in Honduras helped to re-construct their shop and to repair damage done to their home.

Honduras microloan Recently, Antonio talked with us about the experience: “Undergoing that kind of business loss felt devastating. However, Dilian and I knew we had to work even harder to get back up off the ground and continue on! Long before this happened, one of the things we spoke about was that we would always attend the local Good Shepherd Society prayer meetings. They have always been such a blessing to us! So when the storm destroyed our business, it really strengthened and comforted us to be able to share our needs and to have others pray with us. We are so grateful that through the years we have not been alone in both the victories and struggles of our small business.”

Honduras microloan Antonio and Dilian and their beautiful family have grown so much through all this! Their shop has been rebuilt, and they have been able to quickly replace their lost inventory. More importantly, they are also stronger in their faith and stronger as a family. Please continue to pray for them as they continue on this journey!

Honduras microloan Antonio told us, “We are grateful for the help in every single way that the Good Shepherd Society and its donors have given us. We understand that everything we have comes from the Lord and all the work we do is for Him. We are also thankful for the local brothers and sisters who have helped with various repairs. This is only the beginning, and we can only go up and better from here!”

The pictures in this newsletter are simply photos I have taken of the dear people of Honduras. They have no connection with Camila or her tenants.

The Society of the Good Shepherd, P. O. Box 122, Amberson, PA 17210 • (717) 349-7033

Click on the following link to read our Past Newsletters

Click on the following link if you would care to make a donation to the work in Honduras: Honduras Donations

100% of all donations go to the designated work in Honduras. We pay our own overhead and travel expenses. All loans made are interest-free. The Society of the Good Shepherd is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. All donations are tax-deductible.