Practice of the Presence of God:  Book + Audio CD

Practice of the Presence of God: Book + Audio CD

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Special. When you purchase the paperback edition of The Practice of the Presence of God (at 50% off), you can obtain the audio book CD for only $3.50 more. Listen to the audio book while you’re driving and then read the paperback when you get home.
95 pp. paperback + 60 min. Audio CD. Sale: $5.95
$5.95 $9.95 You Save $4.00
Special. When you purchase the paperback edition of The Practice of the Presence of God (at 50% off), you can obtain the audio book CD for only $2.50 more. Listen to the audio book while you’re driving and then read the paperback when you get home.
95 pp. paperback + 60 min. Audio CD. Sale: $5.95

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