
Lisa Miller

My Impressions of Lisa Miller

When I first met Lisa Miller, it was obvious to me that she was a woman of great faith. Her appearance and demeanor demonstrated that she was at peace with God and at peace with herself. The expression on her face reflected an inner joy that was even more remarkable in light of the difficult situation she was in at the time. It was evident to me in the short time I was with her that here was a woman who walked with God.

Later I had the opportunity to read more about her tumultuous and at times tragic journey. It became even more obvious to me that this was a woman who had met Jesus of Nazareth and had powerfully experienced His mercy and grace. I believe Lisa is a living testimony to the Power of Jesus, the Power that can set us free from the burden of sin, even the sins of a sexual nature that all of us face in this decadent age. She would tell us that Jesus is ALIVE and standing by to help anyone who reaches out to Him with the smallest spark of faith. She would tell us that no sin is too great for Jesus to cleanse and heal, that no one is beyond hope of change. She would tell us about the great peace and joy that surrender to Jesus brings.

By all indications Lisa was in full command of her faculties, she was not unstable or delusionary as some reports have suggested. I’m sure Lisa would admit to her share of mistakes in the custody battle, yet I believe she sought to live by her faith and conscience as best she knew how.

It was apparent that Lisa’s understanding of marriage, family and parenthood was orthodox. Her views on are consistent with the Scriptures, the historical teachings of the Church, the social customs of the human race since the beginning of time, and with the beliefs of the vast majority of peoples around the world right now.

Since Lisa’s personal beliefs on these matters are rooted in the Scriptures, it was obvious that for her, these are issues of faith and conscience, and deeply held religious beliefs.

Lisa is painfully aware that in the United States, with less than 5% of the world’s population, there is a movement to radically redefine and re-engineer marriage, family and parenthood, the basic social elements God designed into the human race. She is well aware that this movement operates through all the agencies of American culture, the media, education, the entertainment world, modern psychology, the law and courts, and even through some churches. Lisa knows from personal experience that this movement is coordinated, relentless, and determined to cause everyone to conform to its ideology, and that it will attempt to marginalize and penalize those who do not conform.

In order to stay true to her faith and conscience, Lisa chose to flee with her daughter instead of conforming. She is still fleeing. She has been charged with kidnapping her own biological daughter and according to recent court testimony is still being hunted by the United States Government—“bouncing around the barrios of Nicaragua,” as some news reports have put it, trying to stay ahead of the authorities.

From what I know about her faith and conscience, I think it could be rightly said that Lisa Miller left the United States and fled to Nicaragua in search of religious freedom, the freedom to raise her daughter under God’s order—as her faith and conscience and deeply held religious beliefs called her to do.

These are my impressions of Lisa Miller.

Ken Miller
Waynesboro, VA
March 9, 2013